March In Review

Oh March. Where’dya go? It feels like just yesterday I was clinking a glass with my husband and closest friends and toasting to the new year. And now we’re already in the second quarter of 2019???

March was full of movin’ and shakin’- I wrapped up my time in Cincinnati (sobbing silently) and headed to Denver for just two days before hopping in a fully packed car to get my rear end (and all your favorite and new leather goods) down to Waco for Magnolia’s Spring at the Silos.

There’s a recap of Spring at the Silos here if you haven’t already checked it out. You can see the Stitch & Shutter booth and some of my favorite finds from both Magnolia Market and fellow vendors. What an AMAZING experience. I am still feeling so deeply grateful for that event. After taking the first quarter of the year off, I can’t even imagine what could have been better as my official “business start” to the year.

After Waco, Chris and I drove back to Denver and spent just four days at home before hopping on a plane to Mammoth Lakes, CA for a few days in the snowy mountains with family. Wow. Have you ever been? It’s incredible. Just landing in Mammoth was an experience. That view? The tops of the mountains looked like silver metallic in the sun. It was GORGEOUS.

I don’t ski or snowboard but after what a whirlwind the start of 2019 was for me, I was more than happy to camp out in the condo with a good book and a food photography course that I was wrapping up. I did a little reading, a little learning, a little photo work, a little yoga, and a little meditation. It was honestly just what I needed to reset before heading back to Denver for real. Chris and I even did a morning of snow-shoeing which was such a fun workout.

I can honestly say that I felt refreshed and ready to tackle April and the serious work I have to put in for the rest of the year.

Check out the 1 Second Everyday video review of March below.